I've learned that you shouldn't compare yourself to the best others can do, but to the best you can do... Perlas Home on the Web

What's New?

About Me
My Family
RosePearl's Garden
Dawn's Haven on the Web
Annaliza's Homepage
My Poems &more
Arts &crafts
Website Building

The Home
Humor & Life
Tribute to Mothers
Tribute to Fathers

Filipino Cuisine
Anything Filipino


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I've learned that you can keep going long after you think you can't... Perla's Home TOUR»

Salamat sa inyong pagbisita... Thank you for your visit...
to my homepage
A glimpse of me, my family, & friends...
a little bit of everything...
Enjoy surfing!
just click the links (underlined text)

Check out WHAT'S NEW?!

Who wants surprises? I do. :) There'll be one waiting... Thoughts to ponder from each gem you find.... You might just find one to get you along your life's journey....

Special font used in this website is trinculo from Font Freak. If you don't have this font, it will show your default font face... Roses & humming bird from Sofine's Free Roses Graphics. Pearls from Robin's Graphics

This website is maintained by
created April 7, 1999
updated 10/23/99

copyright by ©Perla
Your comments and suggestions are very much appreciated. Any questions regarding the contents in this webpage should be addressed to me. Thanks.
Here's an update of what has been happening to my homepage:

August 22, 1999 - More images were added to my Cards and More Crafts pages. I am learning to make background graphics... Maybe I'll be able to share them with you in the near future...

August 12, 1999 - Just celebrated one of my girl's 7th birthday... Got a few of the pictures uploaded and added to her website, Dawn's Haven on the Web, to share them with all of you...

August 4, 1999 - More articles/poems has been added to my Humor & Life Page read them at Humor & Life III

August 3, 1999 - Uploaded my children's website showcasing a few of their drawings. Visit them:
RosePearl's Garden, Dawn's Haven on the Web, Annaliza's Homepage. (Experimental background graphics by ©Perla and midis by Sofine's)

July 22, 1999 - Added a page celebrating Andrea's 2nd Birthday. Check it out!

July 15, 1999 - I added more images to my More Crafts in Arts &crafts page. Resized my graphic pictures (Mr Brown's suggestion- Thanks for taking time to tell me about it!) Hopefully, download time should be shorter... :)

July 8, 1999 - My Website Building Page is back with HTML Copy & Paste Codes and examples... Just a reminder, The Home page is up and has a very good article and ideas about creative gift giving from Mrs Cardwell... and mixes recipes that I've collected that you might want to try...

July 4, 1999 - Our EZil Webpage has been uploaded... check it out! I deleted pages that needed a lot of work on (Our Newsletter, Religion & Politics and Website Building)... They'll be back up on the web when they're ready! and I hope soon... :)

June 1999 - I've changed the look of my website index, added more links, and conglomerate other sites in one page... This "WHAT'S NEW?" section is new! The Bertulfo Family page has been updated. Our Newsletter, EZil, Humor & Life, Religion & Politics, The Home and Website Building pages were added and under construction


I've learned that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel... You are guest since May 15, 1999
and it is
Thank you for stopping by.