MORE Crafts (click on the graphics to see larger image) There are so many things you can make and do... |
draw, draw, draw |
Take your fancy pen (that hasn't been held in a long time) and write someone a note of thanks, how they mean to you, or the qualities you like about the person on your beautiful stationery waiting to be taken out of the box in your forgotten drawer kept for years for that special day... NOW is that day! little things can go a long way... just make time 'cause we'll never pass this way again!! | |||
picture graphics in these pages are provided by yours truly... unless otherwise stated. |
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This website is maintained by PearlyGates2000 created April 9, 1999 updated 08/04/99 copyright by ©Perla |
Your comments and suggestions is very much appreciated. Any questions regarding the contents in this webpage should be addressed to me. Thanks. |
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since May 15, 1999 and it is Thank you for stopping by. :) |