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Oftentimes circumstances, people, knowledge, ideas, and places leave a great impact in our lives that it inspires us to write and bring out our innermost thoughts and feelings-- sad, happy, lovely, awesome or just plain ordinary but made a difference in our lives and what we now believe and want to relive for our future... and here are just a few that made it out of me and now in the open to share to the whole world wide web...
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You have not given me anything... 1
EXCEPT: Your pat on my shoulder when I'm feeling down...
Your humor to brighten up my cloudy day...
Your words of wisdom to bring to light my darkened thoughts...
Your song to ease my troubled soul...
Your life to share your world with me...
and your heart for me to cherish the priceless moments of my life... You showed me your love through the love of Christ...
You may not have given me things tangible...
BUT you have given me more than I could ask for...
You have given me your "Friendship"
for which I will always be thankful and forever treasure...

May we be friends forever...
together with our Lord...

june 2, 1988 thursday 11:20 am



Many times you see me cry
and you lend your hands to comfort me...
Many times you see me laugh
and you share a laugh with me...
with all those times and all the time
you're always there to show you cared for me...
I'm very thankful for all the time
you spend your precious time with me
to be cherished and remembered.
May we have many more times like these--
sharing... and giving... and loving...
and just enjoying each other's joys
and lifting each other's burdens...
And may we have more time together spent alone with God, our Father...

june 2, 1988 thursday 11:30 am
revised april 8, 1999



Thank you for sharing a portion of your life with me...
It made my life more meaningful...
Thank you for giving your heart to me...
It made my life worth living for...

june 2, 1988 thursday



The Lord gave us hearts
to share its deepest mysteries
and find meaning to our lives...
and the Lord gave us friends
to whom we could share our hearts
and cherish the precious moments in our lives....

june 2, 1988 thursday




The sun gives her warm bright light
surrounded by awesome hues...
The wind sends her soothing breeze...
and trees stretch their many branches
waving their evergreen leaves...
The birds sing their songs
while the mountains stand still
beholding the great clouds above them
before a majestic blue horizon...
and in my solitude the thoughts came to me,
"How beautiful are Thy wondrous works, O God!"

june 6, 1988
revused april 8, 1999 8:01pm




God bless you
as you serve the Lord with a willing heart and mind...

God bless you
as you talk to Him and let His Spirit guide...

God bless you
as you read His Word to know what's to be done and not

God bless you
whereever you are
whatever you do
and with what you've got...

september 6, 1987




ANOTHER YEAR the Lord has given us
to serve Him and to trust Him, too...
ANOTHER YEAR to be thankful
for the blessings He has bestowed...
ANOTHER YEAR to reminisce
and remember How God has been good to us...
ANOTHER YEAR to meet new friends
and treasure the old ones in the heart...
ANOTHER YEAR to be happy
because the Lord has given us ANOTHER YEAR
to serve Him and to trust Him, too...




Thank you, Lord,
for the heart that beats for love
for the eyes that see the needs of men
for ears that hear the cries of souls for Thee...

Thank you, Lord,
for the hands that reach the lost and the worn
to feel their pains and comfort them,
to bring the good news for men to be saved...
and be blessed with the glory that's waiting for eternity...

Thank you, Lord,
for the mouth that speaks of Thy glory,
of Thy love, and grace and faithfulness...
for the mouth who will sing your praises,
tell of our sorrows, and utter our desires of Thee...

Thank You, Lord,
for the feet that walk to follow the footsteps you've left behind
for the feet that run in the race of life and not be weary to go on
for the feet that stands that we may not be swayed
by the errors of this world's philosophies...

and Thank You, Lord,
for who I am and the person I am about to be--
and loving me the way I am to see the grace you have for me...
May I be the person you want me to be
to bring honor and glory to Your most precious name
Let me see the need, hear the cries, feel the pains....
Let me show them the answer waiting for them
and shout the victory that Jesus gives
to those who put their trust in Him...

revised april 13,1999 7:20pm



Months are soon to pass
weeks are getting shorter
days are speeding up and I cannot hold them back...
Hours turn to minutes
minutes into tics...
and each and every moment becomes special in my heart...
Time has come for me to depart
and memories made will always be a part of my life...
I will be missing you all.

june 16, 1988 thursday
revised april 8, 1999 thursday 7:33pm



The time has come for me to depart
Friends made will always be in heart...
and every moments we spent together will I cherish forever
and the love we have for each other
will always be there for us to remember
How God works wonderfully in our lives
in sharing His love to each of us...

june 21, 1988 10:00pm
revised april 8, 1999 7:35pm



Thank You, Lord
for memories that you've given us...
for us to think and remember how you've been good to us...
May friends we've made remain in our hearts
and things shared will never depart...
As years pass by, I pray, O God,
that we'll continue to remember the moments we once had...
and cherish the time we've spent together
in laughter and tears
or just being there to listen and bear each other's cares...

june 16, 1988 thursday 11:05pm





I'm blessed to have known and trusted in an unchanging God
who remains the same even from the ancient times past...
With this changing world we have
we need the God who changes not...




Lord, you set the blue skies above
reminding us that there will be times of sad and gloomy days
but when this comes
You're commanding us to never fear
for You're up there behind the blue
just lift our eyes and You will see us through....

Lord, you arrayed the land with green growing plants--
grasses, and trees, and shrubs--
to remember the years of time
with that inexperienced, immature yet active flourishing life
to keep in memory the one who created us
that as we follow Him through the pathways of life
even when there'll be yellows around to discourage and weaken us...
He'll scatter His reds like blooming flowers
whispering strength for me to look on Jesus Christ
who shed His own precious blood on my behalf...
then will my heart rejoice with praise as I travel life's pathway...

june 17, 1988 friday 11:51am
revised april 8, 1999 7:38pm



Lord, tomorrow will be another sunrise
and I need to be ready to face the combat...
So God, I'm on my knees tonight
for tomorrow I have to be on my feet to stand..
Give me the strength to confront the day
and the courage to follow your way...
Put a right spirit within me
that I may be a channel of blessings for Thee...

june 18, 1988 saturday




You're holding me between your fingers
and I can feel your gentle grip
so that you could move me...
every stroke you make, touches me
and I can sense your feelings...
You wanted to express yourself as freely as you can
but words just couldn't find its place...
You cease for a moment
to reason and reflect on your deep and quiet thoughts...
then after a while you resume to inscribe
ideas in your mind...
Time after time you look at me
and I'm wondering why..
It may be because you're writing about me
and it inspires you for a while..

june 10, 1988 monday




I feel your warm gentle hands pressed upon me
and you're holding me carefully...
I bear the writing on my smooth face
so that I could please thee...
I see pictures, I see words...
I could read what you feel...
and once you stop, I know I am relieved from pain...
But i just couldn't understand myself...
I yearn for it... and I feel my worth when you inscribe on me...

I long for that day where I could feel your touch again
and be the first receiver of the love notes you're writing...

june 20, 1988 3:43pm




Is given to us for us to know God
and His power and glory and majesty...

It is our entrance to vast experiences in our lives,
and meet the challenges it wil bring...

It is to enjoy what is was meant to be--live
and to share what it has to offer--love
and give what it got--yourself

june 23, 1988 thursday 11:35pm



Another day has come
and new challenges are set before me
Lord, I pray that as I meet this call
You will not let me fall
but instead trust you more
for you alone can see the day...

june 23, 1988 thursday



Every tear that fell showed the pain
Every beat of my heart spoke your name...
Every thought of you yearned to hear your voice
and see your smiling face...
Every breath I took nourished the love I have for you..
But it's all over now...
Many sweet and precious memories
we have made together with our Lord will be remembered...
You will always be in my heart and the love we shared together...
Love is never wasted... It just made stronger and better...
We are not meant to be together forever...
but to have a special part in each other's lives
to help us to be the better person we are meant to be...

july 14, 1988 thursday pm
revised april 18, 1999 7:32pm



You will only hear the call of God
if your heart is tuned in Him...

july 23, 1988 friday



It may be difficult to be in the center of God's will
but it's the only and best place to be in
and it should be our earnest desire...

september 10, 1988 saturday


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created April 7, 1999
updated 07/16/99
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