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God has endowed each of us his own unique talents. It is such a wonderful feeling to discover and use them to bring joy to others as well as the feeling that you did it all by yourself (with inspiration and encouragement from those you love and those you meet along the way-- which makes it all worthwhile).
BOOKMARKS & more (click on the graphics to see larger image)
easy to make but beautiful enough to give away to let someone know their special...

as bookmarks....
This is a special bookmark cut out from special paper that a friend gave me.
You can make it by calligraphy, with cut-out letters... dried flowers, leaves, bark of trees.. or pictures from magazines, catalogs, wrapping paper...
as invitation cards.... Your imagination is the limit to what you can use with this simple gift....
made from special stock of paper, a verse written by my own handwriting using a plain ballpoint pen, marker, etc... picture graphics in these pages are provided by yours truly... if you are interested in using them non-commercially in your own webpage, please let me know... all reasonable requests will not be denied...
ARTS &crafts • bookmarks • cardsphotography&more crafts
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created April 9, 1999
updated 08/04/99
copyright by ©Perla
Your comments and suggestions is very much appreciated. Any questions regarding the contents in this webpage should be addressed to me. Thanks.
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