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Happpy Birthday

You are now officially 2 years old and we're so happy that God gave you to us...

giving my conservative smile at the camera!

Andrea Leigh

(click on the picture
to see a larger image)

the number of candles are correct! one, two...
  Checkin' out my candles (I want to make sure I have two of them!)... I have to blow them a lot of times 'cause my sister, Desireé, kept blowing it for me! "I want to do it again! please..."

RosePearl baked my cake. Dawn helped by greasing and putting flour on the bundt pan. You can't see where I took a little piece of the cake before my Mama decorated it. She did a good job hiding it.... he he hee!


I love birthdays! See all my sisters singin' away?!
  Surrounded by my sisters singing "Happy Birthday" to me... I was singing too... I know that song!


  My Mom and my sisters decorated one corner of our dining room where I was sitting. I think they had fun wiith it while I was taking my nap!

My sister, RosePearl, surprised me with her blow horn!


WOW! what a surprise!
I love cards! and presents! hee hee he
  So happy to receive a card from my sisters! and presents from everybody...


  My Grandpa sent me this beautiful praying doll. I put her hands together and she says a prayer... My mom says she always pray for me and my sisters so that we'll grow up to love the Lord and do His will.


i am listening to her pray!
  Here are my sisters helping to open one of my presents. My little hands can't seem to open it. I'm wondering what's inside... Must be my favorite...


I think it's, uhmmm, maybe... ahhh.. well, hurry up, sisters! :)
one, two, three, and one for me! four, five, six and for Daddy, too!
  I have the delight of passing out the goodies to my sisters... They made them after I fell asleep last night 'cause they know that when I see those candies, it will be hard for them to stop me... hee he hee! and my Mom doesn't want us to eat candies at night, especially when we're done brushing our teeth!


That's all folks! I hope to see you again next year!
Thank you for celebrating with me... :)